

Artist Talk: Emily Whitaker, Catherin Schöberl and Salphinah Savin
Tom Nieke

Emilymary Whitaker (she/her) is an American-French health activist and biologist living in Basel, Switzerland, where she collaborates with various artists. She graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a bachelor‘s degree in Immunology and a master‘s degree in Health Policy and Political Science. She is interested in expanding artistic epistemology to include knowledge derived from scientific sources works with performance, new media and film. 

Catherin Schöberl (none/she) is an artist and educator. Catherin graduated from the University of Cologne, the Academy of Art and Design Basel, and has attended courses at Zurich University of the Arts and HDK- Valand, Gothenburg. Interested in the interface between individual and collaborative artistic practice, C often invites others to collaborate in co-creation. C‘s practical approach is driven by a connection between artistic and educational methods, appropriating contemporary phenomena of the digital, often supplementing them with feminist perspectives. C engages with the notion of publicness, contemporary art in public space as well as with process based and social oriented methods. C works mostly in the field of new media, film, performance and installation.

Salphinah Savin (she/her) studies Fine Arts at the FHNW Basel and is currently doing an Erasmus in Site-Specific Art at die Angewandte in Vienna. Art gives her the opportunity to process and express pain and grief, experiences and emotions, self-perception and perception of others. She mainly uses the media of video, installation and performance.

Sat, 21.10.2023, 10:30-11pm